Wednesday, September 26, 2007

...In My Back Yard

These filthy savages have taken another one of our children. Murderous animals! May they burn in Hell...


Anonymous said...

Where did this happen?

ehud would said...

Y'know, its become something of a joke to say that "they all look alike to me" but I have to admitt that in a line-up there's no way I'd be able to distinguish the one in the upper right corner from the one on the lower left. They're practically the same guy.

...My Brothers' Keeper said...

This happened in central North Carolina. The girl, 12, was home sick when these apes broke in and shot her...dead. The (stolen) gun was recovered in another savage's car.

Anonymous said...

And how many whites have done this to blacks?
The nature of man is evil no matter what there skin color. You sir are hiding behind the confederate flag. Blacks fought and died along side whites for the south. Let me tell you a story...

My ancestor was at franklin, he had been knocked out by a tree branch. as conciousness returned he looked up and saw a group of mounted blacks chargeing into the line of cannons. They had not been drafted, they had deserted the north to fight for the south. They ran head long into the artilery and were blown to bits...
Blacks died willingly for our country. Dont hide behind the flag of the south. That is not the way of dixie.

...My Brothers' Keeper said...

What in Hell are you talking about, kid? Hiding behind the Confederate flag?

Maybe you should read the whole blog before you decide to leave stupid comments.

I hope you had a great MLK day.

Anonymous said...

wtf - freaking koons