Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Even Animals Know When Something's Not Natural

According to Jews, even niggers hate faggots.

What? No reference to White bigotry? Oh, come on, now. You know better. Even when a black preacher gives a sermon to 25,000 homo-hating negroes, Whites are at the root of it all.

"Eddie Long is just one example of a growing number of powerful, politically active African-American pastors who are increasingly aligning themselves with the white evangelical Christian leaders who have been building a religiously based anti-gay movement for more than 30 years now."


"Often, they take their cues from white Christian Right hard-liners like Traditional Values Coalition chairman Louis Sheldon..."

Why can't a group of black Christians recognize that homosexuality is immoral, sinful and just plain ol' gross without some sodomite praising Jew blaming the White man? With all the fuss about blacks being able to make their own decisions and run their own communities, why is it assumed that the coloreds are making this call under the influence of "the money and power of white Christian leaders"? If a negro (stay with me here, this is a stretch, to put it mildly) discovered the cure for cancer or solved the political and military strife in [insert 3rd world African Hell hole here], would his accomplishments be attributed to the money and power of White scientists or White political leaders (assuming we called our politicians "leaders")?

I'd fold that hand. We'd be bent over backwards to give accolades, monetary "donations", and pats on the back, propelled by White guilt. After all, he would have thought of it sooner had the White Devil not held him back! That deserves more attention! He has overcome a racist system designed to keep him down...blah blah blah.

The rest of the article is just a wide open target for even a child with some sense of right and wrong. I know Scorebored would have a field day with this one were The White Picket Fence still in operation. I just imagine this little spark in ol' Scorebored's tinderbox:

"White leaders of the Christian Right have long sought to recruit blacks into their anti-gay crusade."

Duck, Anthony Bradley!

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