Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Thars Gold in Them Thar Hills!

Poking around over at American Renaissance has led me to one of the most time-saving web pages I could have imagined. I don't know how many times I've been given the crap line: "Black people invented [insert something they didn't invent here]. Where would White people be without that?". So what do I do? I research it, bring it back to said misguided negro, and enjoy the stuttering and backpedaling that ensues. Childish? Maybe, but it's sooooo satisfying.

Maybe a crushed look on a formerly proud negro face isn't your goal. It's possible you just want to see how a monkey on a typewriter stumbled across Hamlet? Well, research no longer! Black Invention Myths has done all the research for you. Dig no longer, my friends, it's all right there for you.

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