Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Let's Powwow...

I avoided including this particular post when opening The Death Of A Nation because I didn't want to classify this blog as anything that it wasn't. I just wanted it taken for face value, but it seems we are not living in a perfect world and a fair number of people have tried to label The Death Of A Nation to suit their agendas (or perhaps give them the warm and fuzzy feeling of walking the racial high road by condemning such a horrible bigot as myself). Don't mistake this post as an attempt to gain approval from anyone. I honestly expect to loose a few readers; those readers that see something that isn't here.

What I am not:

I am not a blind racist. I don't hate any one individual, and to suggest that the pigment of ones skin is a prerequisite for criminal behavior is pretty far out there. What I believe pigmentation is, however, is an indicator. A physical and visual indicator of what group of people a man belongs to, and sadly, it has been proven time and time again that the group of people who happen to tote black skin, with few exception, do not share the values or morals that my people do and actually attack every aspect of my people, our heritage and our culture that can't be exploited. For example, while the contributions to civilization of White men are embraced and taken advantage of every day (i.e., the plethora of technological contributions and advances that are too long to list), our heroes, the very same men who gave us these gifts, are demonized and swept under the rug while history is fabricated around Afrocentric lies to falsely elevate a lesser nation to the level of a greater one. My point is this: while I am admittedly prejudiced when it comes to the black individual (for the same reason gazelles don't trust jackals), my interaction with them depends on the action of that one individual (this doesn't mean you'll see me tooling around town with them in one of their Cadillacs). Black people, however, are on my sh** list. Nothing good comes from black people.

I am not a Nazi or a member of what passes for the Ku Klux Klan, nor do I agree with the political or racial beliefs of those groups. My personal opinion of the neo-Nazi or modern Klansman is a mix of amusement and sadness. I find the way the conduct themselves quite amusing, parading around in pseudo-official uniforms, pretending to be militants and revolutionaries, worshipping Adolph Hitler, of all people, and blindly reciting cookie-cutter, white power slogans. As a former combat Marine, it's very hard for me to take that seriously. Take the 14 words, for instance: I couldn't agree with that message more. The problem is that it has become a marketing ploy. I see countless posts and comments where some proud "Aryan" punctuates his message with "88/14", only to shut down his computer to go do "business" with the same nigger drug dealer he talks about hating. For Pete's sake, Aryans were Indo-Iranian. Focus on your educations, kids. While neo-Nazis do occasionally hit on a point or two, the manner in which they present themselves completely nullifies the point in the eyes of the liberal/miscegenator/MSM and effectively discredits racially aware people like you and me. From time to time you will see a video, like the one below this post, composed by one of these people. When you do, do not assume I share their political or moral beliefs. I post the video because of it's content and overall message, not to honor the maker of said media. I'm considering including this disclaimer every time I post a video containing Nazi images or slogans. We'll see.

What I am:

I am a White Christian. While not an expert in Theology, I have a relationship with God and I recognise that this country was built around European Christian values by European Christians. I don't consider myself a Kinist simply because of my ignorance in the subject of Kinism. I find myself more and more aligned with Kinists every day, and if you aren't familiar with Kinism and you grow weary of the preacher shoving miscegenation down your gullet, I suggest you give a look-see. You may find something you've been searching for, as seems to be the case with myself.

I am a White Nationalist. I see what "diversity" is doing to our country; a country my family has made a living in for almost 400 years. I see the back-breaking labor our fathers performed to pass this gift to us being unraveled by a people that hate us. I see the social systems put in place to help our own in times of need being exploited by those who are not of our own, neither ethnically or nationally. I see what happens to something, anything, that White men build when handed over to the minority. My heart aches to see the crimes committed against our people every minute while the slightest insult, however imagined, toward the negro or the mestizo brings scorn and hatred our way. The hypocrisy is blinding, yet we hang our heads apologetically, bending over backwards to sacrifice our culture, family and birthrights.

Well, I say "No more!" The more we integrate, the more we disintegrate, and it's high time we recognised it.

What I want:

I want the madness to end. I want White people to stop repenting for crimes others commit. I want White people to force the negro and the mestizo to address and take responsibility for their shortcomings. I want my son to have a safe, clean environment to call home. I want our children to be brought together by similarities, not driven together as a defense mechanism against a foreign people. I want us, as a people, to take better care of what our Fathers have passed on to us. Let us honor them for their deeds, rather than let the negro demonize them while claiming the work, and the rewards, as their own.

It all boils down to this, the purpose of The Death Of A Nation: Many people are conditioned to latch on to something or someone and believe everything that comes from that direction, no matter how fictitious. I don't want followers. I want free men to give what I have to say a chance. I want thinkers as my audience. I want people to question everything I write, roll it around inside and make a personal decision as to how you feel.

I want you to be White.


Anonymous said...

After looking around at other "white power" sites and publications, it made me wonder, why would I want any of this "white trash" to be preserved? Because those folks sure aren't preserving anything remotely resembling European Christian culture. I'd come to the conclusion that I'll take my decent, European-thinking Christian black/Mexican/Asian friends and business associates and their families as community members over most of the "white" garbage floating around. Thank you for articulating what I've been struggling to reason out in my own mind.

...My Brothers' Keeper said...

Well, these days anyone who looks like they might have a dream about defending White people is considered a White supremacist or extremist. I'm just a regular Joe who loves his people and happens to be White (thank God).

I do have to disagree with you on one point: I would rather live amongst my people, no matter how far off of the path they have wandered. I feel that's what separates us from them; they abandon their problems and torn nations, moving on to exploit another people. I don't care how "European-thinking" and Christian they are, blacks/Mexicans/Asians are not my kin and I'll not abandon mine to live more comfortably with another. I'd choose instead to work to improve my nation and it's people.

At the absolute least we can try to be a good men and raise our sons to be like our fathers.

Anonymous said...

You are right: I would choose MY kin over others - they're good, decent folks, they're MY folks, and I love 'em. (If MY folks weren't good and decent, though, I don't know. Would I lose my children to the God-hating world to live with my immediate folks? Would that betray what my God-loving folks of generations ago stood for?)

...My Brothers' Keeper said...

I ask you this:

Would you lose them to today's American black "culture" if you lived in any given nigger infested slum? Would your children wear negro clothes or listen to negro music?

Of course not. You'd teach your children who they are, today as well as yesterday, no matter who they live amongst.

Teach your children so that they might teach your grandchildren. Our numbers will grow.

Anonymous said...


keep the blog going, brother

please email me @

Anonymous said...

way to go brother-please email me