Thursday, March 29, 2007

Free Shaquanda Cotton!

Well, folks, here we go again; another Genarlow Wilson type episode. Classic cries of racism from the dark side when one of their own is caught with their mitt in the banana jar.

White racism's freshest victim: Shaquanda Cotton. All this habitually troubled young negro did was assault an elderly woman who tried to enforce school rules. What's the big deal?

DiversityInc seems to do back flips to try and justify the point of view that the system is doing this poor little pickaninny wrong, despite putting plainly in print that she's been less than a model student, to put it gingerly.

Allan Hubbard, spokesman for the Lamar County District Attorney's Office seems to have his gear wired tight. It's rare when a public official speaks the truth when that same truth weighs so heavily against the black community or a black criminal. My hat definitely goes off to this man.

Mr. Hubbard says: "[Her] mother is an anti-white extremist ... and has filed numerous complaints with the Department of Justice's Civil Rights division alleging that black kids are punished more harshly. It's like someone can holler racism and just because you're white, you're guilty. There were black teachers and school officials who testified that girl had been trouble from day one."

I say let her go. I'd bet the farm she'll be back behind bars in no time, flat. Decide for yourselves, Ladies and Gentlemen.

"Free ______ Now!"


Anonymous said...

If you look at the discussion tab of the Wikipedia entry for this girl, there're a couple mentions of hearsay -- most interestingly, that the school is not permitted to release information on the severity of the hall monitor's injuries, so all information about it comes from the mother.

...My Brothers' Keeper said...

That's a good point, Mocheirge. Even without privacy laws, though, something tells me that this would still be a one-sided catastrophe.

The mother seems to be enjoying the attention, but a circus is a good place for monkeys.

Oh, no. Did that sound racist?