Monday, March 26, 2007

Now We Can Watch Ourselves Drown

The folks over at Immigration Counters have been keeping track of the latest invasion of our "sovereign" nation. These numbers are unbelievable, but not surprising. I've added the link to my list (left). Give the site a visit and get your blood boiling, brothers and sisters.


Laurel Loflund said...

A good addition to your site, brother's keeper. I swim in those figures every day.

May I please link to your blog?

God bless,

...My Brothers' Keeper said...

I imagine you do, Laurel. I'm sure I speak for us all when I say we look forward to you returning home. You must have a will of iron to be away from our great oaks draped in Spanish moss and our warm breezes that carry the Whippoorwill's song through open windows. I was away in service and nearly went mad, myself. I don't know how you do it.

Of course you may link to my blog. I'm honored to keep such company.

Laurel Loflund said...

Thanks and God bless you.

Regarding my stay here in purgatory: if my parents weren't so addicted to the weather, I would not be here at all. As it is, they are very elderly and will not transplant. Sigh. So, I remain.

Keep on writing, more voices for sanity are needed!