Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fuzzy Math, Clear Intentions

The hypocrisy of the NAACP reaches new heights, Ladies and Gentlemen. The Niggers Against All Caucasian People have started a campaign to free Genarlow Wilson, a black man convicted of aggravated child molestation for having "consensual" oral sex with a fellow high school student. You see, the law says the age of consent in the state of Georgia is 16, and the NAACP says at the time the girl was "three weeks from her 16th birthday". Last time I checked, that translates to 15 years old, and if I'm not mistaken, 15 is less than 16, and... ah, never mind. I guess my simple White brain can't wrap itself around the new math the highly enlightened Nubians have thrown our way.

Ah, those brilliant Nubians... They've also come to the conclusion that the Georgia law that makes it a felony to engage in oral sex with a child is, in their words, "archaic". So, what did they do? The law now considers that sick crime a misdemeanor. No kidding. They've also figured, with their inspiring grasp of higher morality, that since statistics claim just under half of 9th to 12th grade students have already engaged in sexual intercourse, in one form or another, that Genarlow Wilson should not be in prison because you can't put all teenagers in prison who have "illegal" sex. Again, this is just out of reach for my humble mind to hold on to for more than a fraction of a second. Besides, He was only 17 at the time said sex act took place.

Wait! That fuzzy math just caught on! He was almost 18, so he was just as good as an adult, right? No? Maybe this is a new form of Algebra that replaces using letters representing values with colors representing values. So:
(16 - 3 weeks + brown) + consent x (18 - a few weeks + brown) = legal, and
(16 - 3 weeks+ white) + consent x (18 - a few weeks + white) = Federal "bang me in the ass" Prison.
And who says the No Child Left Behind Act won't work?

While all this talk of declining morals and new math chaps my rear end a bit, the double standard kicking us all in our faces while our hearts bleed for young Wilson really gets my inner lynch mob fired up. My point is, Genarlow Wilson is an average student with seemingly above average athletic skill (but aren't they all?). This makes him a shining beacon of light in the black Georgian community that's so full of illiterate, mush-mouthed, rap-label-owning, border-line retards. It's in the best interests of that community to make sure he's freed so he can go on to be one of those talented yet uncontrollable NFL stars we love so much. Then he can pump his overinflated paycheck back into that cesspool of a town. The NAACP can look past a little hiccup like 5 high school football players (I didn't mention that?) taking turns on a 15-year-old child at a New Years Eve Party, while, with straight faces, urge the public to pretend it wasn't a crime, but rather a misunderstanding. Isn't this the same civil wrongs organization who stood in the Duke courtyard with torches and pitchforks and demanded the castration of 3 above average, equally talented, upper-middle class White students of almost the same crime (minus the child rape)? Wilson has been charged, tried and sentenced, all while admitting guilt but is still worthy of a "Free ____ Now!" type of campaign, while Mr. Evans, Mr. Finnerty and Mr. Seligmann were strung from the gallows before charges were even filed? May I remind you that those charges were dropped and replaced with equally ridiculous, if not less serious, accusations because the "victim" turned out to be a liar, the DA Mike Lie-fong turned out to be a crook, and the defendants turned out to be...wouldn't you know it: Not Guilty? The NAACP is still encouraging that the Duke Non-Rape case go to trial, despite the mounting evidence that, once again, good White men were victims of slanderous, racist, money-hungry chimps.

Must be some more of that complicated niggonometry.

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