Monday, April 30, 2007
Sharp On Both Sides
"Those that are given access to the public through mainstream media must be put on notice that they have everything to lose by spewing racist ideas and rants."
"Racist" of course meaning anything openly pro-White.
"...due to the overwhelming number of racially disrespectful incidents that have occurred recently, the STOP Campaign is urgently necessary. Some of these recent incidents include:...
...Racial incidents on college campuses such as Clemson University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Connecticut, University of Texas-Austin and Texas A&M University where white students dressed in stereotypical African American images and wore black face makeup."
Is this a joke?! First, not a day goes by that I don't hear some fat-lipped ape badmouth White people, White ideas, or the way White police dealt with a helpless black teenager (who, by complete coincidence was armed to the hilt with stolen guns, has a record a country mile long, and was caught raping a White girl). Is the NAACP going lean on these morons? I, for one, am not holding my breath. Second, am I hallucinating, or was there recently a "hit" movie called White Chicks in which two of the oh, so hilarious Wayans tribe spent a couple of hours dressed in stereotypical European American images and wore White face makeup? Is this really going on or am I stuck in a bad dream? White college students can't have private parties with a racially satirical theme, but a pack of wild niggers can get a major contract with a mainstream production company to do the same, and then sell it back to us?! What in Hell is wrong with White America? I remember my father's childhood friend's sons, my friends, whom I believed shared the same values that I do, clamoring to go see this outrage of a film. Farmers' sons! Those hit hardest by non-whites, our towns invaded by black and brown hordes, practically kicking the theater doors down to pay the little money they have to a nigger who mocks them! And I get called uptight and preachy for trying to talk some sense into them? Shame, shame, shame.
The other half of this "campaign" is aimed at getting the American negro to abandon his primal instincts; violence, drugs, rap music, abusing and objectifying women, etc. This part of the initiative is significantly downplayed compared to the atrocities carried out by White people via the airwaves. And as a kicker, they throw this little cherry on top:
- "START the Diversity… by supporting balance and diversity of content in the entertainment industry to create positive role models for young people and by demanding more African Americans and other people of color in decision making positions in the entertainment industry."
I can't even begin to describe how contradictory this little nugget of crap is. What'll it be? "...create positive role models for young people..." or "...[demand] more African Americans and other people of color in decision making positions in the entertainment industry."? We've pretty much established that you can't have both.
And diversity? Don't feed me that crap.
Main Entry: di·verse Pronunciation: dI-'v&rs, d&-', 'dI-" Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English divers, diverse, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French divers, from Latin diversus, from past participle of divertere 1 : differing from one another : UNLIKE
Right. So in this crusade for "diversity", why are Whites penalized for trying to be distinct, different...DIVERSE? Proud to be White? Racist! Proud of your European heritage? Bigot! Voice dislike for "Hip hop" (proudly claimed by negroes to be black "culture")? Backward Klansman!
I getting reeeeeally chaffed with blacks, the NAACP, pandering mud-sharks and their nasty double standards. Are you?
What are we going to do about it?
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Same Ol' Same
I'm at a complete loss as to what I should report to you this evening, Brothers and Sisters. Another day, another news hour filled with black crime, black complaints and blackcentric advertisements. Same old story that everybody knows. In the meantime, my eyes are open for the most despicable and heinous acts of niggerdom (but not too wide, lest my head explode).
On a personal note, I almost hung it up today. You see, I was called...(cue dramatic music) a racist! Then, I stopped kidding myself and fired up the ol' computin' machine. I'll close by saying something I've been thinking frequently lately (ladies, read no further):
I hope that silly oil-slick in a suit, moon-cricket, $h**-skin, nigger Al $harpton chokes on a chicken bone. How's that for racist?
Saturday, April 21, 2007
What Have I Missed?
Friday, April 13, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
For My Darker Readers
Dearest Black America:
Please do not misunderstand what is written here on my humble blog. You're fortunate enough to be somewhat literate (thanks to the very people you hate so much), so you're able to read what I have intended for my kin. While I have nothing to hide from you, my message for you is a little different from the one directed at my White family. Writing to you directly I feel I must change my tone and, on top of that, shift into an interrogative posture... whoa, didn't mean to lose you there. I mean "ask questions" as opposed to making accusations. My purpose is to better understand you, because believe me, I'm completely at a loss.
So, here goes:
What in Hell is the deal with you people? Are you, as a collective, just stupid? Is it in your DNA to be savage animals? Before you blame Whites and our notorious racism, keep in mind that blacks worldwide, especially those without White European influence, live in worse conditions than even the most abused 19th century negro slave. I mean, for f**k's sake, we've given you every opportunity and more to get equal...nay! Ahead! You're blowing it big time, and it's really getting on my nerves. Dare I say, our nerves. Get your sh** together pronto, because if history is any indicator, Whites don't take too much for too long.
Your Temporarily Peaceful Neighbor,
My Brothers' Keeper
Post Scriptum- For the educated young negress who questioned my grasp of the mechanics of the English language: I put the apostrophe after the "s" in "Brothers" because I have many "siblings". You see, I am referring to Whites, and they are all my responsibility. You can review this simple lesson in my native tongue here.
Monday, April 9, 2007
The Death Of Johannesburg
Look what happens when the niggers are allowed to run amok unchecked. Look at how their beautiful Nubian culture has improved upon a once downtrodden European slum.
Please note that I've added a new link column titled "For Our Kin In South Africa". Some of the images posted on these blogs are heart wrenching and very graphic, so reader beware.
Again, I ask you, Brothers and Sisters: Will our children inherit the consequences of our timid refusal to defend our birthrights? I'll not have my sons in chains!
142 Years Of Despair
For this Yankee nation, I do not give a damn.
I'm glad I fought against her, I only wish we'd won.
I don't ask any pardon for anything I've done...
I hate this Yankee nation, and everything they do.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Lest We Forget Our Kin Overseas

Saturday, April 7, 2007
Life Got You Down?
Homeless veterans, waves of minority crime, crooked politicians right out in the open and this is what the media chooses to report.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
It All Comes Out In The Wash

More interestingly, the folks over at Harvard seem to have somewhat of a hidden agenda. The questions at they ask toward the end of the study, while probably all but meaningless to the White test subject, are heavily loaded and begging for the negro test subject to claim mental and emotional hardships due to White racism. To get a glimpse of what I mean, take the test, let it tell you what I assume you already know (because you're reading this blog), and then take a look at the questions they ask after you've been given the results. Try to imagine how you think a negro would answer to either justify the fact that they, too, prefer Whites or explain why whites are more popular than their feces-colored brethren.
In case you were wondering, studies show that My Brothers' Keeper prefers White people, but if you need Harvard researchers to tell you that, you've got a hole in the head.