"Those that are given access to the public through mainstream media must be put on notice that they have everything to lose by spewing racist ideas and rants."
"Racist" of course meaning anything openly pro-White.
"...due to the overwhelming number of racially disrespectful incidents that have occurred recently, the STOP Campaign is urgently necessary. Some of these recent incidents include:...
...Racial incidents on college campuses such as Clemson University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Connecticut, University of Texas-Austin and Texas A&M University where white students dressed in stereotypical African American images and wore black face makeup."
Is this a joke?! First, not a day goes by that I don't hear some fat-lipped ape badmouth White people, White ideas, or the way White police dealt with a helpless black teenager (who, by complete coincidence was armed to the hilt with stolen guns, has a record a country mile long, and was caught raping a White girl). Is the NAACP going lean on these morons? I, for one, am not holding my breath. Second, am I hallucinating, or was there recently a "hit" movie called White Chicks in which two of the oh, so hilarious Wayans tribe spent a couple of hours dressed in stereotypical European American images and wore White face makeup? Is this really going on or am I stuck in a bad dream? White college students can't have private parties with a racially satirical theme, but a pack of wild niggers can get a major contract with a mainstream production company to do the same, and then sell it back to us?! What in Hell is wrong with White America? I remember my father's childhood friend's sons, my friends, whom I believed shared the same values that I do, clamoring to go see this outrage of a film. Farmers' sons! Those hit hardest by non-whites, our towns invaded by black and brown hordes, practically kicking the theater doors down to pay the little money they have to a nigger who mocks them! And I get called uptight and preachy for trying to talk some sense into them? Shame, shame, shame.
The other half of this "campaign" is aimed at getting the American negro to abandon his primal instincts; violence, drugs, rap music, abusing and objectifying women, etc. This part of the initiative is significantly downplayed compared to the atrocities carried out by White people via the airwaves. And as a kicker, they throw this little cherry on top:
- "START the Diversity… by supporting balance and diversity of content in the entertainment industry to create positive role models for young people and by demanding more African Americans and other people of color in decision making positions in the entertainment industry."
I can't even begin to describe how contradictory this little nugget of crap is. What'll it be? "...create positive role models for young people..." or "...[demand] more African Americans and other people of color in decision making positions in the entertainment industry."? We've pretty much established that you can't have both.
And diversity? Don't feed me that crap.
Main Entry: di·verse Pronunciation: dI-'v&rs, d&-', 'dI-" Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English divers, diverse, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French divers, from Latin diversus, from past participle of divertere 1 : differing from one another : UNLIKE
Right. So in this crusade for "diversity", why are Whites penalized for trying to be distinct, different...DIVERSE? Proud to be White? Racist! Proud of your European heritage? Bigot! Voice dislike for "Hip hop" (proudly claimed by negroes to be black "culture")? Backward Klansman!
I getting reeeeeally chaffed with blacks, the NAACP, pandering mud-sharks and their nasty double standards. Are you?
What are we going to do about it?
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