Saturday, April 21, 2007

What Have I Missed?

I've been away a bit. It's the time of year that keeps me busy in the fields, and the late freeze didn't make things any easier on us here. Give me a couple of minutes to wash up and eat supper; I'll be back on this thing in no time, flat.


Anonymous said...

My, my, blogspot has become quite a haven for racist trash, hasn't it?

Wheeler MacPherson said...

My, my... blogspot has become quite a haven for cowardly anonymous jewdeoxtian racemixing trash, hasn't it?

Laurel Loflund said...

My, my...blogspot has become quite a haven for anonymous name calling, hasn't it?

CassiusClaysGrandDaddy said...

Better watch out anomis, or we will drop a house on you tambein!

...My Brothers' Keeper said...

Well, I guess I need not respond. You folks have cleaned up before I've come home. Thanks!

...My Brothers' Keeper said...

...and I sleep well at night knowing my family is so vigilant.

Laurel Loflund said...

Can't let no varmint in the chicken house, mah friend...

Sleep well,