More interestingly, the folks over at Harvard seem to have somewhat of a hidden agenda. The questions at they ask toward the end of the study, while probably all but meaningless to the White test subject, are heavily loaded and begging for the negro test subject to claim mental and emotional hardships due to White racism. To get a glimpse of what I mean, take the test, let it tell you what I assume you already know (because you're reading this blog), and then take a look at the questions they ask after you've been given the results. Try to imagine how you think a negro would answer to either justify the fact that they, too, prefer Whites or explain why whites are more popular than their feces-colored brethren.
In case you were wondering, studies show that My Brothers' Keeper prefers White people, but if you need Harvard researchers to tell you that, you've got a hole in the head.
Ah, yes, I remember this test. I took it months ago and came out "strongly" preferring white folks...like that's any surprise!
It is encouraging that 70% of respondents felt likewise. I wonder why?
God bless,
Probably because people naturally like clean, polite neighbors and dislike wondering if or when they will become the target of some senseless violent act.
Plus, in my opinion, blacks aren't the most aesthetically pleasing group of people that I've ever seen. Maybe it's not so much looks as it is association with their reputation as a race. Something to think about.
Nothing like clean, polite neighbors...
But the impression I got of the test was that it was somehow aesthetic, as you said. You had to associate "good" or "bad" with different images, almost by reflex. Then they would switch the images or keys you used to select the positive or negative.
I think they were looking for subconscious reactions. Well, they sure got them!
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